About us
“Baltic Solutions Transport” is a stable player at the international logistics area.The company has been granting the most extensive coverage of services on international delivery of cargoes to our partners over the years. Throughout all these years we have being affirming:
“Without effective delivery any idea remains only an idea”.
Today “Baltic Solutions Transport” means 50 countries of coverage, 10 offices in Europe and more than 1100 contracts a year. Such brands as Knauf, Cersanit, CAPAROL, AEROC, OSRAM, SADOLIN, WAVIN, Wienerberger appreciate partnership with us.
The key concept of efficient delivery became our top priority task during these years, for realization of which we confess non-standard approaches which became the rod of our corporate strategy.
“Baltic Solutions Transport” is constantly developing and seeking new ways. We believe that the greatest risk is associated with the limited thinking: yesterday’s solutions usually don’t cope with today’s and tomorrow’s challenges.
For our partners “Baltic Solutions Transport” acts like electricity in their house. When they need light, it simply turns on. We are not limited only by effective delivery, by our work we would like to bring you pleasure.

5100+ shipments a year

3000+ contracts a year

450+ loyal customers
“Baltic Solutions Transport” ensures rendering of the best logistics services by expanding their geography all over the world. Moreover, all our Partners are offered the exceptionally efficient solutions, which are based on creativity of all our team-members. We are apt to think ambitiously; thus, according to us, the best world standards are the obtainable level for our company.
Logistics means constant effective movement. This concerns not only the company, but its vector too.
Also we love what we do; thus, we, being guided by the motto “Solutions always exist…”, constantly improve the quality of our service, seeking for achievement of the exclusive level.
By referring to the daily decision-making, based on the long-term and ambitious goals, we strive for constant development of the creatively thinking team of the like-minded people, who are gladly capable “to replace the wheels of the moving train without causing discomfort to the passengers”.
By following this Path, we are oriented towards constant improvement of the level of our service. We do not have and did not have any clients; we have and shall always have only our Partners “from the capital LETTER”.
The level of our ambitions from the point of view of EFFICIENT PARTNERSHIP pushes our company towards leaving its own footprint in the history of the world logistics.
This unhealthy ambitiousness tops the list of values of “Baltic Solutions Transport”.
1. Ambitiousness in solutions and performance (who will do it better than we shall…).
2. Speedy, efficient and flexible reaction towards the Partners’ expectations.
3. Latitude of non-standard thinking.
4. Faith in the own team and company as well as focus on their success.
5. Imagination, which breaks the boundaries of stereotypes and gives birth to creativeness of a high level.
6. Executive discipline at the verge of pedantry.
7. Enthusiasm, cheerfulness and a good sense of humor.
8. Constant self-development.
9. High occupational competence, turning into mastery.
10. Reliability in the Partners’ eyes.
11. Focus on development of efficient collaboration with our Partners in the widest spheres of logistics.
12. Aspiration for gaining the leading positions in logistics of the 21st century.